On April fools day we were going to do a trick on dad and the trick was that someone broke their arm!And you know what!Adam fractured his arm on the ice on April fools day!We took him to the doctor and he got a splint on his fore arm.The doctor said to go to tri city hospital and they took x ray of Adam fore arm.After that the doctor told us it was a green stick fraction.Then after a less than a week we went to the doctor and they put a cast on his arm.The doctor said that he can't play sports.You can pick a color that you want your cast to be.Adam wanted blue but when the doctor said red he said he wanted red not blue.The doctor was a man and he got Adams cast wet then he put the cast on him.After all of that happened we have ice skateing lessens and Adam can't go.So I got my skates on and mom helped me tie then.It was cold inside but I didn't care.When I got on the ice and she started the lessens I saw that we were going to do cross overs that was whenyou put your right foot over the left and you can swich. I liked ice skateing. And that is about ice skateing and adams cast!
Melyssa great blog - Love it:)))) Keep up the good work!!!!